Title : Un chasseur est un bon chasseur
Duration : 18 minutes
Choreography : Francesco Colaleo et Maxime Freixas / Cie MF | Maxime & Francesco
Creation for the désoblique's dancer training promotion 2019-2021.
Choreographic piece for 20 dancers.
Photos : © Garance Li
The hunter can define himself as an individual or as a collectivity, who wishes to conquer his prey at all costs. Is it the obtaining of a bounty, a friendship, a partner, recognition, a job, a city, a country, a joy, an esteem? Is it in itself the only pleasure of hunting?
For a hunter, the concomitant damage of his hunt does not exist.
Don't think of it as gratuitous malice. Whether by game or ultimate goal, the hunter, caught in his hunt, cannot perceive when his infatuation unfortunate damage to the joy of another person accidentally present in his path ...
But when the game overtakes the goal, when the goals meet, when the hunters overtake the hunt, the hunting group can become strength and support, in its own inner hunt.
Cie MF.
Through this image of the hunter, Maxime and Francesco wish to challenge us on group dynamics.
The choreographic composition is articulated between groups and singularities which must listen to each other in order to rise together. A common goal can become a singular goal and vice versa. The 20 dancers listen to each other, chase each other, free themselves.
The MF company's own choreographic writing once again brings together variations of dynamism, spatiality and humour.
According to them, there should be only one way to hunt... It's up to each dancer to find out which one.