C'est pas grave (from the French, “it's not that serious”) is born from the desire to deepen the ambivalent meaning of gravity: material (of the body) and symbolic (of the spirit). The show has been conceived as an interactive system: the audience is invited to create origami in the shape of an airplane and to throw them and let them fly on stage, becoming in this way, a fundamental actor in the performance development. The incidence of paper airplanes modifies the body landscapes and what is "grave”- heavy is determined by the circumstance or by the event that destabilizes the stage action. The public has the full power to act, to intercede, to break the intimate space of vision lawfully, with lightness, carefreeness, and a touch of insolence and desire for mockery and a genuine play. The audiences gets the airplanes on stage, taking their responsibilities as active spectators while being aware that “alea jacta est”. C'est pas grave reflects on the sphere of time and space. These two dimensions are translated into a graphic sign on stage. Within a circle outlined by a yellow fluorescent tape, new movement segments intersect, generating a new gravitational center. In this field of investigation, the bodies rotate, orbit, change level, accelerate and decelerate with regularity, attract and repel each other like magnets. They create emotional landscapes; they establish rules concerning geometry, and then they break them. Solving a system of relationships within a global set of signs and body gestures directs the choreographic writing towards an ironic and light approach. This methodology simplifies the weight of the encounter with the public without minimizing its impact.
Choreography and performance : Francesco Colaleo et Maxime Freixas
Duration : 50 minutes
Musical composition : Marion Julien,
Costumes : Chiara Defant
Artistic advice : Nimrod Freed
Production : Cie MF | Maxime & Francesco
Co-production : Festival Oriente Occidente, Rovereto (IT), Gdansk Dance Festival, Gdansk (PL)
Collaboration : Le Croiseur, Lyon (FR), Scenario Pubblico, Catania (IT)
The Performance will take place as part of the project of Klub Żak, Gdansk Dance Festival : www.klubzak.com.pl
27th October 2024 --> C’est pas grave >>> La Sfera Danza, Padoue (IT)
12nd December 2023 --> C’est pas grave >>> Théâtre le Scarabée, Chambéry (FR)
25th November 2022 --> C’est pas grave >>> Unfold Motion, Timisoara (RO)
18th October 2022 --> C’est pas grave >>> Horcynus Festival, Messina (IT)
30 September 2022 --> C’est pas grave >>> Raid festival, Solofra (IT)
7th August 2022 --> C’est pas grave >>> Korper, Choreographic Center, Naples (IT)
31th July 2022 --> C’est pas grave >>> Horcynus Festival, Messina (IT) -cancelled and postponed-
29th July 2022 --> C’est pas grave >>> Performare Festival, Serradifalco (IT)
2nd July 2022 --> C’est pas grave >>> Caffeine Danza, Merate (IT)
23rd October 2021 --> C’est pas grave >>> Tendance Festival, Latina (IT)
9th October 2021 --> C’est pas grave >>> Theatre della Tosse, Genoa (IT)
12nd September 2021 --> C’est pas grave >>> Lavanderia a Vapore, Collegno (IT)
23rd January 2021 --> C’est pas grave >>> Lavanderia a Vapore, Collegno (IT) -cancelled and postponed-
3rd December 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Theatre della Tosse, Genoa (IT)
10th September 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Italian premiere/Festival Oriente Occidente, Rovereto (IT)
9th September 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Extract of piece, Peep Show, Festival Oriente Occidente, Rovereto (IT)
8th July 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Théâtr’Azur, Cannes (FR) - canceled -
17th March 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> IMpulsion Festival, Lyon 7 (FR) -canceled and postponed -
From the 24th of February to the 6th of March 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Artistic Residency at Scenario Pubblico, Catania (IT)
22th February 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Gdansk Dance Festival, Gdansk (PL)
From the 10th to the 22nd of February 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Artistic Residency at Gdansk Dance Festival, Gdansk (PL)
From the 27th to the 30th of January and from the 1st to the 5th of February 2020 --> C’est pas grave >>> Artistic Residency at Le Croiseur, Lyon 7 (FR)
8th December 2019 --> Work in progress C’est pas grave >>> Resistere e Creare competition, Genoa (IT)
From the 21st of October to the 5th of Novembre 2019 --> C’est pas grave >>> Artistic Residency at Festival Oriente Occidente and CID, Rovereto (IT)