Triptych of gravity
Ça ira (from the French "it will be fine") is the second chapter of the project C'est Pas Grave, a trilogy about the ambivalent meaning of gravity: material (of the body) and symbolic (of the spirit). Ça ira questions about a possible spatial device, using the verb of motion "to go" (where ? when ? how ?), rather than its rhetorical encouragement.
The logic of the choreographic construction follows what, in philosophical terms, could be defined as an eternal return of the same, a perpetual beginning, an endless opening.
Going up the diagonal of the scene (the hypotenuse) and repeating the path, with gestural variations and humorous interludes, as many times as necessary to understand that you will not go anywhere, that "this life, as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live it again and again countless times, and there will never be anything new in it, but every pain and every pleasure and every thought and sigh, and every unspeakably small and great thing in your life will have to return to you, and all in the same sequence and succession".
The three performers make a real journey without an ultimate destination. They travel almost forty times around the perimeter of the right triangle, exploring its entire surface, through wedding marches, funeral marches, military marches, folk dances, athletic marches, religious marches: eternal and primal rituals of the human being. Walking is a perpetual disequilibrium, a fall deferred, a locomotion necessary to move the center of the body from one point to another in space. In different cultures and at different times, walking has always been a means to arrive, to reach a place or accomplish a mission. Walking is an action and a voluntary coordination to await a destination, a place suitable for a possible metamorphosis of the body : similar to sculptural complexes, bodies shape themselves and take on new forms and postures. They experience, in the present moment, the law of chance and of the unexpected, awakening a constant relationship between the different parts of the body, which dialogue and build new architectures in space.
Choreography : Francesco Colaleo & Maxime Freixas
Performance : Pieradolfo Ciulli, Francesco Colaleo & Maxime Freixas
Duration : 50 minutes
Costumes : Gabrielle Marty
Musical composition : Jérémie Esperet
light design : Cristian Perria
Artistic advice : Stephanie Brun
Production : Cie MF | Maxime & Francesco
Co-production : Institut Français de Budapest (HU), Dispositif RECIF : project supporté par DAC Guadeloupe et la Préfecture de Guadeloupe (FR), Teatro San Materno (CH)
Support : DRAC Auvergne Rhône Alpes/projet relance (FR)
Collaboration : Crushing Borders International Exchange Program/ Residency Idra (Brescia, IT) et SinArt (Budapest, HU), CCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France (Roubaix, FR), Le Croiseur (Lyon, FR) , la Maison de la danse (Lyon, FR), Pole Pik (Bron, FR), CCNR Yuval Pick (Rillieux-la-pape, FR), Krakow Choreographic Center (Krakow, PL), CND Lyon (Lyon, FR)
Thanks for their donation to :
Adriana Falcone
Alberto Calderoni
Alessandra Mac Donald
Amalia Borselino
Anais Brehier
Anne Broux
Annette Zini
Arianna Rodeghiero
Atelier Eco-Creativo Candiotte
Blandine Martel Basile
Candida Anastasi
Carlotta Dionisio
Caroline Romitti
Chiara Montalbani
Claire Camus
Daniele Vidiri
Dominique Legrand
Emma Dufief
Filippo Stabile
Georgia Arnoult
Gioia Maria Morisco Castelli
Hanbang Yang
Irene Giordano
Ivana Ponzo
Jacques Freixas
Jennifer Freixas
Julie Legay
Laura LAMY
Madoka Kobayashi
Manon Peugnet
Marie Alvarez
Naomi Gino Grillo
Nicola Ayoub
Ponzo Sara
Sandra Previti
Sandrine Carini
Serena Bottet
Silvano Patacca
Simona Miraglia
Stéphanie Brun-Viton
Tristan Robilliard
Valentina Arcidiacono
Valentina Romito
Valentina Schisa
Valeria Coco
Vallone Simona
Zoé Dumont
We also thank all those who contributed to the crowdfunding Proarti and who wish to remain anonymous
26th July 2024 --> Ça ira >>> Dance Gallery, Perugia (IT)
23rd May 2024 --> Ça ira >>> Galleria San Ludovico, Parma (IT)
5th April 2024 --> Ça ira >>> Bizz'art Nomade, Dieulefit (FR)
21st and 22nd December 2023 --> Ça ira >>> Teatri di Vetro, Rome (IT)
10th December 2023 --> Ça ira >>> Ramificazione Festival, Catanzaro (IT)
18th October 2023 --> Ça ira >>> Festival Impulsion, Lyon (FR)
11st and 12nd August 2023 --> Ça ira >>> Sziget Festival, Budapest (HU)
From the 6th to the 27th July 2023 --> Ça ira >>> Festival OFF d'Avignon 2023, Theatre Golovine (18h15), Avignon (FR)
3rd June 2023 --> Ça ira >>> Quasi Solo Festival, Milan (IT)
13rd May 2023 --> Ça ira >>> Festival Azioni in Danza, Barletta (IT)
19th and 20th November 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Wonderland Festival, Brescia (IT)
12th November 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Theatre Idra, Genova (IT)
21st October 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Theatre Abeliano, Bari (IT)
From the 3rd o the 9th October 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, Karukera Ballet, Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe (FR)
From the 18th to the 28th May 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, SinArts, Budapest (HU)
8th May 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Avant première, Theatre San Materno, Ascona (CH)
From the 2nd to the 7th May 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, Theatre San Materno, Ascona (CH)
From the 25th to the 29th April 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, CND, Lyon 2 (FR)
From the 14th to the 18th February 2022 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, CND, Studio Chatha, Studio des Hérideaux, Pôle Pik, Lyon 8 et Bron (FR)
From the 13rd to the 17th December 2021 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, Pôle Pik, Bron (FR)
From the 27th to the 29th May 2021 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, Studio Chatha, Lione (FR)
23rd May 2021 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, CCNR Yuval Pick, Rillieux-la-Pape (FR)
17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 24th and 25th May 2021 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, Studio des Hérideaux, Lione 8 (FR)
From the 12th the 17th April 2021 --> Ça ira >>> Artistic residency, CCN Roubaix haut de France, Roubaix (FR)
From the 24th September to the 4th October 2020 --> Ça ira >>> Residenza artistica, Teatro Idra, Brescia (IT)