Chenapan is a French term of German origin that means "brat." The show wants to put on stage the games of the past, creating a strong recognition process in the public. It is an inventory of the possible ways to exist in the world in relation to each other. The audience watches the last jump race between two brats who challenge each other's strokes of genius. The primary objective is to raise awareness of a dimension of contact and game that is being lost because of the ongoing sharing virtually and not physically.
The work wants to focus on the important social changes that see the gradual dismantling of relationship dynamics.
Nourished by a strong feeling of nostalgia, the primary purpose of Chenapan is distracting to have fun, without superficiality, but with careful levity. Creative acts are expressed, as they are, in vivid paintings of intentions: no technological support, but only the bodies and their irrepressible curiosity. In this universe of spontaneous visions, there is the rope and his eternal attempt to create magical portals.
The contemporary dance project is open to children from 0 to 99 years. Freely inspired by the "slapstick movie" genre, by the comedians Laurel and Hardy and the characters Beckett Estragon and Vladimir, the show depicts a methodology on childhood games and their potential use.
Choreography and performance : Francesco Colaleo and Maxime Freixas,
Concept : Francesco Colaleo
Musical composition : Vincenzo Pedata
Production : Cie MF | Maxime & Francesco
Co-produced : Artemis Danza/Monica Casadei, Parma (IT)
Collaboration : Anghiari Dance Hub, Anghiari (IT), Magic T, Bologna (IT), Capotrave Kilowatt, Sansepolcro (IT), Lavanderia a Vapore 3.0 (IT), La Manufacture d'Aurillac (FR)
First prize of the jury and prize of the public at the competition "Les lendemains qui dansent", la Barcarolle, Arques (France)
13rd and 14th May 2024 --> Chenapan >>> 4 representations - Theater des deux Rives, Charenton-le-Pont (FR)
2nd December 2022 --> Chenapan >>> École primaire, Villars-les-Dombes (FR)
28th September 2022 --> Chenapan >>> Umbria Factory Festival, Spoleto (IT)
4th August 2022 --> Chenapan >>> Corpi Uscenti Festival, Perugia (IT)
26th July 2022 --> Chenapan >>> Antichi Scenari Festival, Pozzuoli (IT)
3rd July 2022 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre delle Briciole, Parma (IT)
19th September 2021 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre le Croiseur, Mairie du 7ème, Lyon 7 (FR)
25th August 2021 --> Chenapan >>> Tout l'monde dehors 2 shows, Lyon (FR)
10th November 2020 --> Chenapan >>> Balavoine Cultural Center, la Barcarolle, Arques (FR) -cancelled-
10th and 11th July 2020 --> Chenapan >>> Festival dei 2 Mondi, Spoleto (IT) -cancelled and postponed-
22nd and 23rd June 2020 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre allégro, Miribel (FR) -cancelled-
9th February --> Chenapan >>> Aux Échappées belles, Lyon 9 (FR)
10th November 2019 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre Piccolo Bellini, Naples (IT)
18th October 2019 --> Chenapan >>> CCNR, Rillieux-la-Pape (FR)
12th October 2019 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre Golovine, Avignon (FR)
17th and 19th June 2019 --> Chenapan >>> Performare Festival, Catania and Serradifalco (IT)
23rd May 2019 --> Chenapan >>> Festival Les Instants Données, Troyes (FR)
26th April 2019 --> Chenapan >>> SPLIT Espace Éphémère, Paris (FR)
3rd April 2019 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre Sant'Andrea, Pisa (IT)
27th November 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Les lendemains qui dansent, la Barcarolle, Arques (FR)
17th November 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Concentrica Festival, Turin (IT)
11th and 12th November 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre Akropolis, Genoa (IT)
3rd and 4th November 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Scenario pubblico, Catania (IT)
14th October 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Supercinema, Tuscania (IT)
7th October 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Caffeine Festival, Merate (IT)
14th May 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Prospettiva Danza Festival, Padova (IT)
15th April 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Rotonda a Mare, Senigallia (IT)
27th and 28th March 2018 --> Chenapan >>> IMpulsion Festival, Le croiseur, Lyon 7 (FR)
13th March 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Progetto suppoter danza, Vicenza (IT)
From the 5th to the 11th of March 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Artistic Residency at la Manufacture, Aurillac (FR)
26th and 27th February 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre Libero, Milan (IT)
12th JanuarY 2018 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre Kismet Opera, Bari (IT)
22nd December 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Lavanderia a Vapore 3.0, Collegno (IT)
16th December 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Municipal Theatre, Gambettola (IT)
From the 23rd to the 30th of November - from the 11th to the 21st of December 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Artistic Residency at La Lavanderia a Vapore 3.0, Collegno (IT)
From the 14th to the 17th of November 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Residenza artistica Interno 5, Naples (IT)
13th November 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre Nuovo, Naples (IT)
10th November 2017 --> Chenapan >>> FUORI STRADA Municipal theatre, Ferrara (IT)
8th November 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Festival INTERFERENZE XII Edition at Cineteatro Comunale, Teramo (IT)
5th November 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Theatre del Lido, Lido di Ostia (IT)
From the 10th to the 17th of October 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Artistic Residency at Interno 5, Naples (IT)
21st September 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Festival sulle Orme, Spazio Teatrale T.off, Cagliari (IT)
15th September 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Showcase Anticorpi XL, Ravenna (IT)
From the 26th of June to the 7th of July 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Artistic Residency at ACASA, Scenario pubblico, Catania (IT)
From the 22nd to the 26th of May 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Artistic Residency at Espace Bernard Glandier, Montpellier (FR)
26th and 27th April 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Municipal theatre De Micheli, Copparo (IT)
From the 19th to the 25th of April 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Artistic Residency at Municipal theatre De Micheli, Copparo (IT)
24th January 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Public sharing from the residency at Kilowatt tutto l’anno, Sansepolcro (IT)
From the 17th to the 25th of January 2017 --> Chenapan >>> Artistic Residency at Kilowatt Tutto l'anno, Sansepolcro (IT)